Collection: To Remember

“The effort to preserve the experiences in your memory. But in time the memories start to grow away from the initial moment. And by playing them over and over in your head, you slowly build new versions of the then reality you once saw with your own eyes.”

The inspiration for the collection of hand-embroidered pillowcases was the need to remember certain experiences in life, places that had a special meaning for me and to transform them into a tangible object. Apart from Kaaret, I am also a photographer, so for me to keep memories naturally means taking photos. The selection of photographs I chose builds a basis for the almost abstract illustrations I then made. There are six different designs that portray memories of places in Portugal and Açores, where I used to live for some time, are very dear to me and make me come back to this beautiful country over and over again. In the end, it is a form of a diary, memories of places that are thousands of kilometers away, and yet thanks to the final product you can keep the fragments of these memories in your everyday life, on your sofa or armchair, at your home.

Each pillowcase is unique. The embroidery, although picturing one of the six designs, doesn't follow a strict pattern which allows each of the pillowcases to be an original, one-of-a-kind piece. This specific process is an allegory to how our memories of a certain experience, place or an event change in time. Sometimes they slowly fade away or form an alternative, highlighting a detail that we didn't see before. What was once a clear and true perception of a reality, derives in time into its more abstract and incomplete versions.

Materials and origin

All fabrics and threads used for the To Remember collection come from Czech deadstock textile shop Textile Mountain. Each of the fabrics has a special name according to the materials and colors that are connected with the portrayed places: Sand, Limestone, Pearl, Shell, Moss and Sage. The yarns for the embroidery come from Textile Mountain and several vintage shops and second hands. All of the material has been hand picked by the designer and washed several times to ensure the best quality and durability of the final product.